NEOPIN Economy
NEOPIN's Token Economics and Allocation
The NPT economy connects various crypto financial services, such as P2E, S2E, M2E, and NFT, through which users and liquidity providers can benefit from NPT. Users can supply virtual assets or NPT into a liquidity pool on NEOPIN, generating fees for swap transactions and contributing to the growth of the NEOPIN ecosystem and the value of NPT. The NPT economy is designed to reward users based on their contribution to the NEOPIN ecosystem. NEOPIN aims to create a user-centered ecosystem by establishing a sustainable token economy and distributing a significant portion of the rewards to users.
Contract Address
0x306ee01a6bA3b4a8e993fA2C1ADC7ea24462000c (Etherscan)
0x306ee01a6bA3b4a8e993fA2C1ADC7ea24462000c (Polygonscan)
0xe06597d02a2c3aa7a9708de2cfa587b128bd3815 (Klaytnscope)
Ethereum (ERC-20)
Polygon (ERC-20)
Klaytn (KIP-7; ERC-20 compatible)
Vision Paper
Use cases
users may receive NPT through Stake, Pool products and other forms of transactions.
More on NPT
Check below for more information on Neopin (NPT).
NPT TokenomicsIssuance and AllocationLast updated