The following information is deprecated and may limit its use. Please refer to the WalletConnect 2.0 tab for the latest version of NEOPIN wallet integration: WalletConnect 2.0
You can easily get the desired value by using the wrapped 'web3-react'.
npm i nptconnect-web3react-walletconnect-connector
yarn add nptconnect-web3react-walletconnect-connector
You can export the connector and use without using nptconnect-client or nptconnect-core(Called from inside).
In order to connect the Wallet to the DApp, a connector matching the Wallet must be passed to the activate function.
activate: (connector:AbstractConnector,onError?: (error:Error) =>void, throwErrors?:boolean) =>Promise<void>;setError: (error:Error) =>void;deactivate: () =>void; //Function to disconnect DApp Walletconnector?: AbstractConnector; //Connector value of the Wallet currently connected to DApplibrary?:T; //Provide Web3 providerchainId?: number; //chainId of account connected to DAppaccount?:null| string; //Account address connected to DApp. When attached to the Bridge Server: string, Default: nullactive: boolean; //Check if the DApp user is logged in. When connecting with a Bridge Server: true, Default: falseerror?: Error;